Hey, thanks for taking a moment to check out my site; I appreciate you stopping by.
If you click around, you can find some of the tangible art I've created, from photography to interactive design. I also wanted to tell you about my intangible art, my service.
I have been in client-facing industries for over a decade. The trades and skills have been everything from design to account management to software implementation management, but one thing has always remained the same: My dedication to service and delivery.
I have left a long trail of completed projects, satisfied clients, and happy colleagues. I have managed relationships large and small, pleasant and difficult, internal and external. I get things done because I care about whom I serve, clients, colleagues, and students, and what I'm doing to make their life better.
When you hire me, you're going to get a tangible skill set that will be measured by specific metrics for success. You're also going to get someone who isn't walled-in to their job description; someone who does problem finding and problem solving. You'll be getting a "glue" guy. The guy who helps keep the project, the team, the class, the culture going.
You can find my work history here, and I would be happy to speak with you about your opportunity. Click here to email me. You can also click here to find me on LinkedIn.
Some of those skills:
- Story telling / Content Development
(i.e., I have all this stuff, how do I make a story out of it?)
- Teaching & Training
- Interactive Information Design / Usability
- Voice Over
- Web Design
- Interactive Design
- Print Design
- Photography
- From time to time I like to draw funny pictures
I can't fly, but my super power is delivering.